Neverland Dog Services 

Neverland Dog Services 


Dog training in person and virtual!



Socialization, potty training, crate training, leash manners, reputable breeders, breed traits…

Email with questions and start your puppy ownership correctly to set them up for success. 

Happy to give new owners advice and guidance before you commit to a puppy.  Free email advice on what you need the first week you bring the puppy home. 

Adult dogs:

Leash reactivity, separation anxiety, fear, over excited behaviour, jumping, leash pulling….

The rescues and pounds are full and most problems can be fixed with a good training program that shows the dog what we want and gives dogs a reason to want to work with their handler.  Every step of the way has to set dogs up for success with good management and a plan.  People need to do better for their dogs so they stay in a forever home! 

Private 1 hour session $50 at my facility or in the Brockville area.  Outside of Brockville travel time will apply.  25c/km outside of a 30 minute radius of Lyn. 

Virtual training.  A very affordable way to help your dog or start your puppy off correctly.  This is not an online course to teach Fido to sit, there are many excellent online courses.  This is one on one personal training where you can email, video chat, send videos or text me.  This is to help you solve the problems you have with your dog or to understand a training philosophy.  You may have watched  a YouTube video and your dog isn’t getting it no matter how much you try and you need some eyes on advice.  There is a lot of information online and some isn’t good and dogs deserve better.  Understanding the science matters but you need real world applications. It needs to be fun for you and your dog and get results.  Great solution for busy people or dogs that are not going to do well in a training situation.  Priced to help all dogs.  $29 for 30 minutes or $89 a month for unlimited training.  Most dogs will not need more than a month unless you are dealing with multiple issues.  

Member NADOI (National Association Dog Obedience Instructors).    Five years Alumni with Susan Garrett's Recallers.  9 years and hundreds of pet dogs trained at one of the big box stores.  Many long term clients.  

Serving Brockville, Kingston, Gananoque, Ottawa, Perth, Smiths Falls, Kemptville and surrounding areas.